Why is my energy dashboard empty?
If you logged in and see your energy dashboard empty with the text
"Not enough data yet. Energy savings will appear here when you participate in a peak demand event!"
that means you haven't yet had an opportunity to participate in an energy-saving event, or you just recently participated in your first energy-saving event and we are waiting on the utility to provide us the energy usage data for that event. Energy saving events occur when there is peak demand for electricity, which usually happens on hot summer days. If you recently signed up with Meltek, and it is not yet summer, do not worry -- your energy-savings (and therefore money-earning) opportunities will be right around the corner.
To be able to participate in energy-saving events, you must:
- Be a customer from a participating electric utility: Con Edison, PSEG Long Island, or Orange and Rockland;
- Have added your utility account number (and, in the case of PSEG Long Island, your billing name, street address and meter number, all of which are available on your bill) (and, in the case of Orange and Rockland, the name and address on your bill); and
- Get an email from Meltek confirming that your account is active and ready to participate in the current demand response season (May to October)
Is Meltek not yet available in your area? Don't worry, you can still earn rewards by referring your friends in Con Edison, PSEG Long Island, or Orange and Rockland territory to join Meltek. You'll both get $10 when they add their utility information.